Case Study: Transforming an Edinburgh Home with Secondary Glazing

In the heart of Edinburgh, a historic city known for its preserved architecture and brisk climate, the owners of a charming Victorian townhouse faced a common issue: how to improve their home’s energy efficiency without compromising its aesthetic integrity. This case study explores how Gecko Glazing provided an innovative solution through secondary glazing, transforming the home’s comfort, energy efficiency, and noise insulation.


The property, a beautifully maintained Victorian townhouse, boasted original timber sash windows that added to its historic appeal. However, these windows were also a source of significant heat loss, high energy bills, and external noise. The homeowners were keen on finding a solution that would not alter the appearance of their windows but would enhance the property’s overall livability.

The Challenge

The main challenge was to enhance the home’s thermal and acoustic insulation without compromising the architectural integrity of the historic windows. Any modifications needed to meet the strict guidelines set by the local conservation authority, which often restricts the type of alterations that can be made to listed buildings.

The Solution

Gecko Glazing stepped in with their secondary glazing solutions, tailored specifically for such heritage properties. Secondary glazing involves installing a discreet, internal window in addition to the existing window. It is a non-invasive procedure that does not alter the external appearance of the windows.


Gecko Glazing’s team conducted a detailed window installation survey of the property to design custom frames that perfectly matched the existing window styles. The frames were equipped with high-performance glass that significantly improved insulation and soundproofing without compromising window transparency or appearance.


The installation of secondary glazing brought about transformative benefits:

  • Energy Efficiency: The secondary glazing led to a noticeable reduction in heat loss, reflected in lower heating bills. The homeowners reported a 30% reduction in energy consumption during the winter months.
  • Noise Reduction: The additional glazing barrier effectively blocked out urban noise, including traffic and nighttime disturbances, resulting in a quieter and more peaceful home environment.
  • Preservation of Aesthetics: The internal secondary glazing was virtually invisible from the outside, maintaining the home’s aesthetic appeal and complying with local heritage regulations.
  • Reduction of Condensation: The improved insulation properties of the secondary glazing also reduced the occurrence of condensation on the windows, which helps prevent moisture-related damage and mold growth.
  • Unobstructed Views: Despite the added layer of insulation, the secondary glazing was designed to be unobtrusive, not detracting from the clarity or visibility of the original windows.
  • DIY Installation: Gecko Glazing’s secondary panes are engineered for ease of installation, allowing homeowners to undertake the process themselves without the need for professional help, making it a fast and convenient upgrade.


The homeowners expressed tremendous satisfaction with the outcome, noting not just the practical benefits but also the enhancement of their daily living experience. “The difference in home comfort is remarkable,” they noted. “We can enjoy the visual charm of our traditional windows without the drawbacks.”

This case study highlights how secondary glazing by Gecko Glazing can offer a sympathetic yet highly effective solution to heating and noise challenges in historic properties. By balancing preservation with innovation, secondary glazing proves to be an ideal choice for homeowners in heritage-listed properties or those in noise-sensitive environments.

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