The 3 Golden Rules
1. Respond to customer enquiries within 2 working days
- Call first
- Text (so they know it’s a Gecko Glazing mobile number)
- Email with suggested dates and times
2. Offer survey within 10 working days
Surveyor MUST offer survey within 10 days or sooner
Unless customer prefers a later date
3. Quotation sent within 2 working days
Quote MUST be sent within 2 working days after the survey
Surveyor payment after quotation is sent to Gecko customer
Equipment Needed
Gecko Glazing provides…
☐ Product samples (4 x colour samples)
☐ Leaflets
☐ Top reader tape measure
☐ Laser measure
☐ Branded workwear
You provide
☐ Laptop (with Microsoft Excel)
☐ Step ladder (needed for tall rooms)
Surveying Process
1. Job Assigned
Admin will assign a customers email to the surveyor in Hubspot*
Your inbox can be found by clicking on
CRM > Inbox
This is your list of customers that you are responsible for.
*A survey fee will have been discussed with customer before being assigned to you.

2. Call + Confirm
Leads can cost Gecko up to £100 to generate a lead. Following up effectively is essential.
- Call first – Always call customer from Hubspot first before emailing
- Text – If no answer, then follow up immediately with a text (“this is a Gecko Glazing number”).
- Email – copy and paste “Email 1” from the email templates at the bottom of this training page or from HERE (insert hyperlink)
- The surveyor MUST offer a survey date WITHIN 10 WORKING DAYS
- Or sooner: If schedule allows for sooner visit this is the preference.
- Reasonable timeframe: This gives plenty of leeway for schedules to match up
- The surveyor must offer a survey date WITHIN 10 WORKING DAYS

3. Confirm or Rearrange
Always confirm the survey date and time via email after the phone call. Use Email Template yo copy and paste from and see image highlighted in green…
ALWAYS CLEAR FORMATTING if copy and pasting so the font doesn’t change within hubspot
– change customer name (see image to the right)
– date, time and month etc.
– It looks very unprofessional and destroys the high quality brand image if not.
Sometimes the customer cannot make the date you suggest.
In this case, have potential dates ready to offer:
– Potential Date 1
– Potential Date 2
– Potential Date 3
After Customer Confirms = Add Survey Date:
Add survey date on the Customer Profile in Hubspot. Simply scroll down their profile on the left hand side column so “Survey Date” See image highlighted in green to the right…
ALWAYS CALL FIRST, but if they rearrange via email, please offer the customer 2-3 dates (Or request from them multiple dates which they can make).

4. Survey Sheet Preparation
You can download Master Survey Template by clicking (here)
To avoid wasted time, prepare your Survey files in advance of survey…
4.1 Copy and paste the Master Survey spreadsheet so you don’t overwrite the original file. It’s good practice to save a couple of duplicate files to Desktop or somewhere easily accessible on your laptop.
4.2 Name all Master Survey Files CUSTOMER NAME_POST CODE (see photo)
eg. Richard Eldman_EH11 2FD
4.3 Fill out customer information by copy and pasting from Hubspot:
– Name
– Email
– Address
– Phone number
– Surveyor (YOUR NAME)

5. Master Survey Spreadsheet
Recording measurements
Follow the ‘how to measure’ video at the top of this page and take measurements using a logical approach in a chronological order. CONTRARY TO THE VIDEO AND DIAGRAM BELOW, TAKE MEASUREMENTS AT EXTREMITIES (far left and right, top and bottom, not thirds as shown below)/ corner:
- From top left to bottom right of the window
- Width 1 &2, Length 1&2
Usually 2 measurements is enough.
On large panes (any side over 800mm) take 3 measurements.
5.1 Click Button 2
Open the spreadsheet click button “2” to access measurements page (highlighted in green)
5.2 Each window = New Section
A window in each room represents a measurement section (highlighted in green)
This keeps pane naming easy.
eg. If there are 2 windows in Kitchen, then use 2 measuring Sections and name them:
Left Window
Right Window
5.3 Use customers room names: Always ask the customer what room names they use. Use their names. If the customer calls the office for any issue with product, we can quickly identify
5.4 GECKO LOGIC – ROOM NAMES: If no customer available, then use this logic…
eg. there are 2 bedrooms so “bedroom” does not differentiate. So…
Use “Upstairs/ Downstairs Bedroom” if logical
“Front Bedroom” = front of the property/ roadside/ front door side
“Rear Bedroom” = back of property/ garden side)
Use “Front left” and “Front right Bedroom” if 2 bedrooms at the front or rear of a property
Pane names need to be clear so if the customer calls the office with a problem we can be clear about which Gecko Pane the customer is talking about.
1 x 1 = Top, bottom
2 x 2 = Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right
3 x 3 = Top Left, Top Middle, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Middle, Bottom Right
At this stage – Top Sash and Bottom Sash has to be added to the names
4 x 4 = Top Sash Top Left, Top Sash Top Right, Top Sash Bottom Left, Top Sash Bottom Right, Bottom Sash Top Left, Bottom Sash Top Right,
Bottom Sash Bottom Left, Bottom Sash Bottom Right.
6 x 6 = Top Sash Top Left, Top Sash Top Middle, Top Sash Top Right, Top Sash Bottom Left, Top Sash Bottom Middle, Top Sash Bottom Right,
Bottom Sash Top Left, Bottom Sash Top Middle, Bottom Sash Top Right,
Bottom Sash Bottom Left, Bottom Sash Bottom Middle, Bottom Sash Bottom Right.
8 x 8 = Top Sash Top Left, Top Sash Top Middle Left, Top Sash Top Middle Right, Top Sash Top Right, Top Sash Bottom Left, Top Sash Bottom Middle Left, Top Sash Bottom Middle Right, Top Sash Bottom Right,
Bottom Sash Top Left, Bottom Sash Top Middle, Bottom Sash Top Middle Left, Bottom Sash Top Middle Right, Bottom Sash Top Right,
Bottom Sash Bottom Left, Bottom Sash Bottom Middle Left, Bottom Sash Bottom Middle Right, Bottom Sash Bottom Right.
*if it’s more complicated than a 6 over 6. Then use this logic =
Top Sash (starting from top left to bottom right)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8
Bottom Sash
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8

6. Survey On Site
Follow the survey process step by step below and memorise the 5 key facts…
4.0 Surveyor MUST turn up on time (or let customer know) as customers can take days off work
4.1 Greet customers and ask if they have any questions about Gecko Panes
4.2 Show product sample and colours
4.3 Show how Gecko Panes fit in the window
4.4 Measure full house (so there is no need to go back for future orders)
4.3 Take photos of potential issues (rusted locks, issue windows etc) and upload to survey folder (new employees)
5 Key Facts
50% Heat Loss Reduction:
By trapping a layer of air, our secondary glazing can reduce heat loss by nearly 50%, making homes warmer and more energy-efficient.
Easy Installation and Removal:
Our secondary glazing can be easily installed and removed without causing any damage to the original windows or obstructing their operation.
25% Noise Reduction:
Gecko Glazing reduces external noise by about 25%, providing a noticeable improvement in soundproofing, especially in busy areas.
Cost-Effective and Preservation-Friendly:
Gecko Glazing preserves historic window fabric, making it a superior option to full window replacements. It costs around 80% of double glazing and is much cheaper than timber replacements.
Condensation Reduction*
Gecko Glazing helps reduce condensation to a large degree, though a bit of misting may occur on cold days due to trapped moisture. This will clear as the day warms up. For Georgian windows (6×6), occasional wiping may be needed, or exterior woodwork may require refurbishment (water ingress can cause condensation).
*We recommend the customer goes for TEST PANES. 1 full window in each property with Georgian windows (6 over 6) before full order.
This allows customer to properly test before committing to the whole houser and asking for a refund
7. Generate Quote
Once you have taken the measurements in the spreadsheet, click button “1” to go back to the quote page:
7.1 Check customer information is correct: Name, address, phone number
7.2 Click Large Panes or Small Panes: Any side over 65mm is a large pane. This generates the price next to each window (beside the price you see the pane quantity for that window).
7.3 Delete Extra Rows: Any rows with room names not being used can be deleted (see green highlight). The cell which is a light grey colour has dropdown menu. *unclick* Select all and click ONLY the rooms which you want to include, so the rest of the rooms are deleted off teh quote page (highlighted in red)
7.4 Add extra travel and lock time: Scroll down to bottom of the quote and add 20 minutes for any rusted or painted lock that needs removed. Also any travel time which exceed 1 hour (if job is within 30 minutes for you there or back this is OK).
7.5 Save As PDF: While remaining on page Quote Page (button “1” page) go to file > Save As > PDF.
Also save the excel file by going to File > Save
7.6 Upload Spreadsheet: Go to the spreadsheet folder on OneDrive.
+Create a yellow folder called CUSTOMER NAME_POST CODE (*click* BLUE BUTTON at the top left of page, then create folder)
Open the folder, and upload your survey excel file AND the PDF Invoice here

8. Email Customer Quote
GOLDEN RULE 3 – Quotation MUST be sent with 2 working days after survey date.
Go to the customers profile page on Hubspot…
8.1*click* create email and type the subject line as “Gecko Glazing Quote”
8.2 Use the Snippet > “Quotation”. Scroll down to Snippet or search Quotation in Snippet search bar.
Alternatively copy and paste “Email 2” in the copy and paste email templates
8.3 If the customer only wants a test window or Gecko Panes for 1 room, the Surveyor produces another PDF quote (requote) minus the rooms they don’t want to order
8.4 Use the the same process as 8.2 again… Snippet > “Quotation”. Scroll down to Snippet or search Quotation in Snippet search bar.
Alternatively copy and paste “Email 2” in the copy and paste email templates

9. Assign Back to Office
IF NO REQUOTE then Assign the customer back to Admin:
9.2 Surveyor MUST change the Lead Status from “Survey Requested”, to “Quotation Sent. Awaiting Response” on the right hand side of customer profile page on Hubspot. Then *click* “Save”.
9.3 THE LAST 2 THINGS to do are
1. Assign the customer email to Admin (on the top left of the inbox email thread)
2. Set the customer owner to Admin on the customer profile page (see sections highlighted in green on photo)

Survey Management
In Hubspot, go to > Contacts (All Contacts)
– Click “Contact Owner”(in the top left) then click “Me” as seen highlighted in green to the right…
– Click “Edit columns” to the top right of the screen (as seen in photo)
– You can delete and rearrange columns here to give you a quick overview of your surveys. Delete everything apart from
- Customer Name
- Create Date
- Last activity
- City
- Borough or address
- Deal Stage

Weekly Meetings
You must create a Dashboard.
At our weekly meetings every Monday or Tuesday, this Dashboard will allow Surveyors, Installers and management team to quickly see the pipeline of orders.